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Occupations at Risk 

Anyone who comes into contact with asbestos dust and fibers may be at risk. However, certain occupations have shown a high incidence of asbestos related disease due to their consistent and regular work with asbestos products. If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease like Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer, or Asbestosis, call us at 1-800-459-1881 or locally at 757-223-4545​ for a free consultation. You can also fill out our contact form for a free case evaluation. 

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Workers including shipyard and Navy machinists, pipefitters, insulators, boiler tenders, and steamfitters at local shipyards and Navy installations. These workers used asbestos gaskets, packing, boiler refractories, pumps, valves, distilling units and other asbestos-containing equipment.

These workers used asbestos gaskets, packing, boiler refractories, pumps, valves, distilling units and other asbestos-containing equipment.

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Operators and maintenance workers at large industrial plants such as refineries, paper mills, and other factories used the same products.

The construction workers were also exposed through a variety of construction materials including asbestos-containing tile, roofing, drywall compound, asbestos-cement pipe, electrical components and other materials used on both residential and commercial sites. 

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In addition to the foregoing occupational exposure, however, there have been many instances of “take-home” exposure through dust brought home on workers’ clothes and personal belongings. Many of these cases have arisen in our own community. 

Automobile mechanics were also routinely exposed to asbestos dust and fibers from brake and clutch pads, gaskets and other asbestos products during the normal and routine maintenance of cars, trucks, trailers, cranes and other heavy equipment.

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If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease like Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer, or Asbestosis, call us at 1-800-459-1881 or locally at 757-223-4545​ for a free consultation. You can also fill out our contact form for a free case evaluation.  

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